Some fun work sheets for the children
I have put together some worksheets that I used to help with English and Maths. For covering ICT in learning you can use the internet to look at different flowers and information about the Sloths which offers extended learning.
One worksheet is using the Flower fairies and another looking at Sloths and working with the times tables.
At Christmas we made sloths out of playdough to hang on the Christmas tree. Once the playdough is cooked you can decorate them with felt tips or paint. For older children you can even use old nail varnish to decorate. Add lots of glitter or ribbons too. Remember if you wish to hang these up you will need to make a hole before putting in the oven. The receipe is available in our earlier blog.
Additional information:
Cicely Mary Barker : Wrote these lovely books ( Flower fairies) and I still have mine from my childhood. You can buy them in bookshops and Amazon. Amazing pictures and poems. What is lovely with most of the flowers you can find in gardens so the childrens learning just continues beyond the activity you have done. Forget me nots are easy to grow so if you dont have any buy some seeds and they will give you a beautiful display.
Sloths: there is Folly farm in the UK where you can adopt a Sloth
Please feel free to print and use. If you can let us know how you get on.
Have fun...